Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the only non-hormonal treatment approved by the FDA for biologically repairing and regenerating human tissue.
improves your quality of life when standard medicine is simply not working or as a supplement to traditional medicine
simple, effective, life-saving
increases circulating stem cell count by 8-fold
accelerates healing process when combined with other therapies
anti-aging therapy when combined with other therapies
HBOT can improve dysexecutive functions, psychiatric symptoms (depression, anxiety and somatisation), pain interference symptoms and fatigue of patients suffering from post-COVID condition.
Spinal cord stimulation has seen unprecedented growth in new technology in the 50 years since the first subdural implant. As we continue to grow our understanding of spinal cord stimulation and relevant mechanisms of action, novel questions arise as to electrical dosing optimization.
Scientists in Israel have shown that a type of oxygen therapy can stop new plaques forming and even remove existing plaques in mice with Alzheimer’s.
Given the high mortality and prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation of COVID-19 patients, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen for COVID-19 patients with respiratory distress.